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German Chancellor, Angela Merkel

Angela Merkel Wins German Election
Mon, 23 Sep 2013   ||   Nigeria,

From Germany, received report that Chancellor Angela Merkel has won the just concluded election, securing third-term in office.

Mrs. Merkel’s conservative party won the election held on Saturday, although it finished just short of an absolute majority.

Reacting to the official result released few hours ago, Mrs. Merkel urged her party to celebrate what she described as “a super result”.

Report said Merkel’s conservative bloc took about 41.5 per cent of the vote – but her liberal partners failed to make it into parliament.

It is thought she is likely to seek a grand coalition with the Social Democrats (SPD) who won 26 per cent.

The results showed that the liberal Free Democrats (FDP) won only 4.8 per cent, which report says is a disaster for the junior coalition partner, leaving it with no national representation in parliament for the first time in Germany’s post-war history.

Party chairman Philipp Roesler called it “the bitterest, saddest hour of the Free Democratic Party.”

The FDP was beaten by the Green Party (8.4 per cent) and the former communist Left Party (8.6 per cent). It almost finished behind the new Alternative fuer Deutschland (AfD), which advocates withdrawal from the euro currency and took 4.7 per cent, just short of the parliamentary threshold.

There was at one point speculation that Mrs. Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) and their Bavarian sister CSU might even win enough seats for an absolute majority – the first in half a century.


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