Sun, 12 Jan 2025

Solar Eclipse

America, Africa and Europe Witnessed Solar Eclipse
Mon, 4 Nov 2013   ||   Nigeria,

Yesterday, some parts of America, Europe and Africa witnessed solar eclipse allowing a view of the Sun to be blocked totally or partially by the moon. gathered that the much-anticipated eclipse was first visible in the southern part of United States of America, before moving to Africa and other parts of the world.

Reports indicates that northern Kenya witnessed a total blackout, while some other parts of Africa like Liberia, Congo, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Uganda and Somalia witnessed partial eclipse.

Either side, a partial eclipse was seen within a much broader path including eastern North America, northern South America, southern Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Experts warned that no-one should attempt to view the Sun with the naked eye.

A safe view of eclipses can be obtained by using special welder's glasses or a pinhole camera.



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