Sun, 21 Jul 2024

L-R Ryan Allen Klug, the main suspect and Adaobi M.Obih, the victim

26-Year-Old Nigerian Killed In USA
Fri, 22 Nov 2013   ||   Nigeria,

USA- A Nigerian, Adaobi M. Obih, has been found dead in her apartment at Columbus, Indiana, United States earlier in the week. gathered from sources that police were alerted after her co-workers discovered that she missed work on Monday and Tuesday without any notification which prompted them to contact her apartment to ask about her.

On getting to the apartment, they noticed there was blood everywhere and they alerted the police immediately, before the victim was seen in the pool of her blood already dead by the maintainance workers of the building who were there to open the door to the appartment.

Meanwhile, police are looking for a 36-year-old man, Ryan Allen Klug, who they say is the prime suspect in the murder of the 26-year-old Nigerian. Klug, who police described as Obih’s roommate, was said to be person of interest in the case.

Police also contacted the property manager to request a welfare check, according to the arrest affidavit.

A neighbour said he noticed that the door to Obih’s garage spot where Klug usually park his vehicle, had been open for at least 24 hours.

One of the maintenance workers, according to sources,  told police there were no signs of forced entry at the apartment and that only two people would’ve had keys: Obih and Klug. The maintenance worker told police he found Obih with a “large amount of blood around her head” and said it appeared clear that she was dead.

Police talked to Obih’s boyfriend, who revealed that he’d texted and called her multiple times but never heard back. The last message he received from her was at 12:17 p.m. on Sunday, November 17. When she failed to respond, he went to her apartment, saw her car in the parking lot and knocked on the door. Obih didn’t answer.

A neighbor who lives in the apartment below Obih’s said it sounded like someone was moving furniture during Sunday afternoon. “It went on for more than three minutes,” the neighbor said, adding that it happened shortly before tornado warnings went off for Sunday’s storms.

It was further revealed that Police said Klug had texted a pastor, asking him to call. When the pastor did so, Klug answered and said he couldn’t talk at the time.

Investigation found that Obih had been stabbed multiple times and her throat cut. A blood trail went from the woman’s bedroom to Klug’s, and police said it appeared “the assailant attempted to clean up in the bathroom area belonging to Mr. Klug.” They also found a bloody towel in Klug’s sink. Police located a plastic bag containing a bloody sock and other clothes stained with blood, including blue jeans, boxers and a shirt. Police said the “amount of blood on these items was significant”.

Police found a trail of small blood drops leading from the apartment to the garage where Klug parked his vehicle. His 2008 silver Subaru Legacy was not parked in the garage.

According to information reaching the desk of the police, Klug’s boss at the Indiana Department of Transportation, said the suspect’s behavior had been “off” lately. He said Klug sent a text message Sunday, saying: “Sick tomorrow, then vacation next two weeks.” His supervisor said the message was out of character and also violated the department’s vacation time policy. Klug did not return texts or phone calls, his supervisor said. He didn’t show up at work Monday or Tuesday.

The where about of Klug is unknown even to his stepmother and father, who said they hadn’t heard from him for several days.

His brother told police he’d spoken with Klug about two weeks ago. Klug wanted to get back with a girl he’d dated. The relationship ended about a year ago. His brother told Klug to call her; he said Klug discovered she was dating someone else and told him, ‘I’m losing control’.

Sources further revealed that Columbus police don’t think Klug is still in the area and said multiple law enforcement agencies were looking for him.



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