Sun, 21 Jul 2024


Mon, 9 Dec 2013   ||   Nigeria,

The Federal Ministry of Water Resources (FMWR) has in collaboration with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) presented the draft of National Water Resources Master Plan 2013 to stakeholders in Abuja.

 The event which was held at the Chelsea Hotel, Abuja was well attended by over 160 participants nationwide. Notable among the delegates are His Excellency, the Ambassador of Japan to Nigeria, Shoji Ryuichi; Chief Representative of JICA Nigeria, Seki Tetsuo; Representative of Honourable Minister and Permanent Secretary of FMWR, Bayelsa State Water Commissioner. Representatives of International Development Partners were all in attendance.

 The agency explained that it is important to put on record that In 1995, JICA supported formulation of the first integrated water master plan (M/P) for water resources development of Nigeria; but 15 years after the development of the plan; Nigeria government has considered it very imperative to review the master plan because of so many changes like increase population, increase water demand, globalization, climate change and many other water related activities that has change drastically over the years.

 In response to the request from the Government of Nigeria for Development Study for a new National Water Resources Master plan, JICA launched a technical cooperation project in August 2011 covering the entire country of Nigeria.  After more than two years spent to collect and analyze huge volume of date, the draft Master Plan was formally presented to various stakeholders at the event.

 Strategies for integrated management of water among all water users to ensure equity, efficiency, environmental friendly, sustainability and cost-effectiveness are formulated. Also projects and programmes that will make Nigeria water sufficient, food sufficient, power sufficient are identified. The newMaster Plan is regarded as a highly comprehensive document cutting across many sectors like agriculture, power, environment, health, sanitation and of course Industry.

 After reflecting comments and recommendations from stakeholders raised in the seminar, the final Master Plan document is to be submitted in January 2014 and authorized as the official development plan of the FMWR.

 The Federal Ministry of Water Resources at the seminar, assured its commitment for the implementation of the Master Plan.

 JICA Nigeria also reiterated its commitment to continuously work together with the Nigerian government and various stakeholders to further move toward establishment of sustainable and integrated water resource management in Nigeria along with the Master Plan.



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