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Why Power Can't Return to the North in 2015…Maku
Wed, 11 Dec 2013   ||   Nigeria,

The Minister of Information and Supervisory Minister of Defence, Mr. Labaran Maku, has said that northern Nigerian leaders lack the moral reasons to lead the country come 2015 urging the people of the North to jettison ethnic politics and support the re-election  of President Goodluck Jonathan.

Maku said this in Kaduna, at a town hall meeting organised by the National Good Governance Tour (NGGT) team to round-off the three-day inspection visit to the state.

The minister noted that the president had more than any other president shown commitment to the development of northern Nigeria, adding that no northerner elected as president would agree to spend one term in office.

He noted that many of the military coups witnessed in Nigeria's history were staged by northerners.  

"In the North, when people want power, they will do anything, and I keep reminding us, I am in Kaduna today and I will repeat it here, and I will speak to the North as well, apart from Kaduna Nzeogwu's coup, which other coup between 1966 and 1999 was staged by southerners, so much about the North, when people have interest in power, they will do anything. We must not abuse the name of the North because this region is too significant to the country, it is too important to Nigeria for us to tribalize developmental issues," he added.

Maku stated further that northern leaders cannot account for their long years in power, given the low level of development in the region.

He said the country's infrastructural development suffered a serious setback since the military overthrew the former President Shehu Shagari's regime in 1983. 

The minister said: "There was nothing they did not say about Shagari, the old man is sitting there, watching this infrastructure decay, and northerners have been ruling Nigeria since then. What did they do about Ajaokuta, what did they do about Zungeru, what did they do about linking the North with railway, what did they do about dredging of the Niger, nothing happened.

"I think we are making a great mistake because this is the time to re-examine our past to build partnership, to build new bridges for the unity of this country, if you tell yourself a lie, you will believe in it until you meet your tragedy, that should not be our portion."

He explained that President Jonathan's administration had more than previous administrations, ensured the development of northern Nigeria, contrary to fictions across the North.

The minister, however, urged politicians, especially of northern extraction to have a sober reflection and consider the country's unity as a priority.


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