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OBJ has no moral right to blame Jonathan - Agoro
Thu, 12 Dec 2013   ||   Nigeria,

Former Presidential candidate of the defunct National Action Council (NAC), Dr.Olapade Agoro on Thursday said former President Olusegun Obasanjo has no moral right to condemn President Goodluck which he(Obasanjo) imposed on Nigerians.


Apparently reacting to 18-page letter written to Jonathan by Obasanjo in Ibadan,Agoro accused the former President of denying Nigerians the right to good leadership by “maneuvering and manipulating Jonathan to become Nigeria’s President, when Jonathan himself was not even ready for the task.” 


The former NAC’s Presidential candidate noted that Obasanjo’s letter only narrates the shame of political maneuvering that had produced weak leadership at this expense of productive ones, adding that it was a matter of the ruling party being at war with itself, and concur within its leadership. 


He lamented that it was unfortunate that since Nigeria’s independence, right

materials have always been illogical denied the right to leadership for mediocre.“Obasanjo himself  has to be blamed for denying late Obafemi Awolowo the right to leadership and preferring Shehu Shagari in 1979, and bringing up late Umaru Musa Yar’Adua to the presidency in 2007, instead of Olapade Agoro that the western world recommended. 


According to him, by the time Jonathan came to power, Obasanjo had all the time playing God, and that it is wrong for the former President to now say that it was God that used him to select Yar’adua and Jonathan, instead of allowing the best to come out.


“Is Obasanjo telling Nigerians that he is a Prophet? Obasanjo played God to impose Jonathan on Nigerians, and he is now blaming his handiwork, instead of blaming himself.”



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