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Former Presidential candidate of the defunct National Action Council(NAC), Dr. Olapade Agoro

Attempt to impeach Jonathan’ll set Nigeria ablaze- Agoro
Mon, 16 Dec 2013   ||   Nigeria,

Former Presidential candidate of the defunct National Action Council(NAC), Dr. Olapade Agoro, on Monday warned that  any attempt to impeach President Jonathan will set Nigeria ablaze.


He called on the All Progressive Congress (APC) and its supporters in the National Assembly, not to throw Nigeria into another round of political crises by commencing the impeachment process against President Goodluck Jonathan. 


Addressing newsmen at his Apata-Ganga, Ibadan residence on Monday, the politician noted that the political strength gained by the APC must not be wrongly employed towards the game plan of impeaching the President, but must be used to gain political prominence that would enable the political party to achieve electoral victory in 2015.


The former NAC’s Presidential candidate maintained that any attempt to impeach President Jonathan will set Nigeria ablaze, adding that “toying with the idea is derailing of commonsense.”Agoro suggested that since the President still has almost one and half years to stay in the office, he should be allowed to finish his tenure and face the electorate to decide if they would still need him in the office or not.


He, however, expressed optimism that President Jonathan would soon drop off a lot of hangers-on in his cabinet, and comes up with a bold step of appointing capable hands to negotiate his electoral victory in 2015.“The fact must be faced that no previous President of Nigeria had ever been impeached. Even though that idea was raised during former President Olusegun Obasanjo’s second term, it failed, and I am telling you that President Jonathan’s

story cannot be different. 


“When President Jonathan first came into the office after the demise of former President Umoru Musa Yar’Adua and till about 2012, one could see that he was a feeding bottle President, but lately, the man can be seen to have learnt the game.


Therefore, any attempt to create any crisis all in the name of impeachment will only get the man to come out showing his ability "As at present, Jonathan may not need any godfather to perform. He now has the weapon of authority firmly at his grips. It is obvious that with him now sitting firmly in power, it will be wrong for anybody creating another Sani Abacha’ scenario in Nigeria," he said.



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