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MURIC challenges Jonathan on OBJ's letter
Mon, 16 Dec 2013   ||   Nigeria,

The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has challenged President Goodluck Jonathan on the former President Olusegun Obasanjo's 18-page letter, saying that Nigerians are itching to get answers for these and other issues raised.

MURIC's director, Professor Ishaq Akintola in a statement in Ibadan on Monday noted that most prominent among the issues raised in Obasanjo’s monumental missive were the allegation that the president is destroying the party; that he is currently training 1,000 snipers to deal with opposition figures; that the president is not sincere about the war on corruption and that the president has maintained a conspiratorial silence.


Former President Olusegun Obasanjo had wrote an 18 page-letter to President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan a few days ago raising grave concern over some very serious national issues which allegedly threatened the rest of Nigeria.

The group observed that Obasanjo took it upon himself to write the letter as a major stakeholder in the ruling party (the People’s Democratic Party, PDP) having ruled the country under the umbrella of the same PDP for two terms and having served as the Chairman, Board of Trustees (BOT) for several years. The fact that the historical letter came soon after the defection of five state governors from the PDP is quite didactic and shows the major raison d’être for Obasanjo’s letter.  


While noting that the letter was dated 2nd December, 2013 and "we are worried that President Jonathan is yet to react to the main allegations two weeks after it was written."Instead, the president has taken shelter in the bosom of boot-lickers and court-jesters. Is President Jonathan waiting for angels to bring him answers from heaven?


The issues raised are too fundamental to be brushed aside. They have to do with the core principles of democracy: probity, accountability, justice, airplay and equal rights."They have to do with the welfare of the Nigerian people and how to bring food to the common man’s table. We are talking of the security of lives and properties and the president of this country who has been accused of training professional assassins keeps mute. How can there be security when the president himself becomes a threat? The chief security officer becomes the major threat to security of lives. It is unheard of. The president must break the ice. Nigerians are running out of patience to hear the president’s defence," it said.


It wondered why it must take him a whole projected second term (2015 – 2019) to answer the "Tsunami-igniting allegations levelled against him by a former head of state who should know”. It also rejected NNPC’s lame explanation that the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) did not know the procedure for tracking Nigeria’s oil money, saying that line of reasoning is myopic, infantile and therefore unacceptable.


"It is designed to mislead gullible Nigerians. CBN is on track on this issue of missing $49.8b. CBN is not meddling into oil exploitation or its drilling. CBN is talking about facts and figures of oil income and that is CBN’s constituency. For Allah’s sake somebody somewhere is milking Nigeria dry in preparation for 2015! "Or what is Jonathan’s take on Oduahgate? Why is the president silent on this N255m scandal? If the president considers Stella Oduah as a sacred cow, then he has desecrated his sacred office. This woman has been indicted by the committees which investigated her. Is there no limit to executive protection of thieves and rogues in this country? What message is Mr. President trying to pass to civil servants, artisans, teachers and students and other young Nigerians? Is Nigeria’s image irredeemable? Should honest Nigerians say goodbye to transparency out of frustration? Mr. President’s body language seems to be saying a capital YES to each of these questions," it added



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