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Jonathan, Tukur, Mark meet Senators Monday
Sun, 29 Dec 2013   ||   Nigeria,

 Barring any last minute change of plans, President Goodluck Jonathan will on Monday  night hold an emergency meeting with the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) senators who are set to defect to the opposition All Progressive Congress (APC).


Also to be part of the meeting, are the PDP National Chairman, Bamanga Tukur, and the Senate President, David Mark.


Sunday Independent was reliably informed on Saturday by privileged sources at the PDP headquarters and the Presidency, that the Monday meeting essentially was at the instance of Jonathan, who is desirous of halting further planned exit of federal lawmakers on the party platform to other parties.


This paper also learnt that some select influential members of the House of Representatives, who are known to have concluded plans to leave PDP, were scheduled to be at the meeting with the President.


The PDP source said the massive pull out from the party by members has become a source of grave worry to the President and leadership of PDP and that of the National Assembly, such that a decision was hurriedly taken by the Presidency, in collaboration with the party and Mark, not to delay further in meeting with the aggrieved lawmakers. Most of the affected Senators and Reps members, the PDP source revealed, were said to be disposed to the idea of such a meeting, but have insisted that they were going to give yet-to-be named conditions that the Presidency and the party must meet, for them to possibly reconsider their decision to quit PDP.


Sunday Independent was hinted by our inside source at the Presidency, that Jonathan had  assured the pro-APC senators and Reps members, through Tukur and Mark, that he would sincerely look into their grievances and see what he could do to meet their demands, as long as they suspend their planned exit.


Said the source: “From the discussions so far held with the arrow heads of the aggrieved lawmakers, they have made up their minds to go to APC early in the New Year.


“But of course, you know what that portends for the party. We are fast losing our people and Mr. President knows that it is not good for us.


“He is willing to do something urgent to ensure that those lawmakers do not leave the party. I am sure he has made up his mind to get them from defecting to APC.


“We have lost some grounds already to the APC and we are not ready to do so again. We don’t know what conditions they are going to present before Mr. President yet.


“But, whatever those conditions are, the President and the party will certainly not gloss over it, because, everybody in the party is really worried.


Meanwhile, Sunday Independent was told by the Presidency source that Jonathan has resolved to use the opportunity of the Monday night meeting at the Presidential Villa to explain to the lawmakers why the call for Tukur to resign may not work, especially at this time.


“Like l told you last week, Mr. President believes that the insistence by some of our party members, like some governors, that Bamanga Tukur should be dropped was premature. “He has said that the National Chairman has not done anything to warrant his exit now; so, l am sure that the issue will come up at that meeting, but, the President will appeal for their understanding”, the source disclosed.


Meanwhile, there are serious apprehension in Kaduna ahead 2015 elections over the possibility of former state governor, Ahmed Mohammed Makarfi, and majority of State House of Assembly members from  Peoples  Democratic Party (PDP) decamping to All Progressive Congress (APC) any moment from now.

Makarfi, who is currently a serving Senator representing Zone One Senatorial District, has not openly declared his position.


But, the fact that almost all his loyalists have decamped to APC, is strong indication that he may also dump PDP.


A source, who spoke with Sunday Independent on the condition of anonymity, said PDP is now having sleepless nights over the development, as most of those that have so far left the party and those suspected to be planning to follow suit, are the soul of the party in the state, who dictate the direction which voters follow.

The source told Sunday Independent that PDP has been working round the clock to ensure that the party in the state does not lose more members after the 75 that recently quit the party to join APC.


It is obvious that the party may lose more of its top members.

Two strong members of PDP in the Kaduna House of Assembly, who spoke to Sunday Independent under anonymity, also confirmed that there have been series of meetings to woo members to join APC.


One of them, a principal officer of the Assembly, said they are being tempted to quit for fear that the electorate in the state may not vote any member during the 2015 elections on ground of sentiments.

“Some of us are considering leaving PDP for APC here in Kaduna, because, General Muhammdu Buhari’s influence in the party may work against us”, he noted.


In an interview with former Kaduna State PDP Chairman, Yaro Makama Rigachikun, who was among the 75 decampees, “PDP is as good as dead under Bamangar Tukur, and anyone who remains in the party is wasting his time”.


He also hinted that more top members of PDP will move to APC as soon the coast is clear for them to quit, and join the 75 members that have to move to APC in Kaduna.

Although efforts to reach Makarfi as the time filing this report proved abortive, one his aides disclosed that he is currently dissatisfied with PDP leadership and has the right to take any decision in favour of his supporters.


Some of Makarfi’s loyalists that decamped from PDP to APC penultimate week, are Ambassador Sule Buba, formerly of House of Representatives; Suleman Ado, former Kaduna Finance Commissioner; Ibrahim Yaro; former local government chairmen of Kaduna North and South, Ibrahim Awwal and Sabo Uba.


Part of the reasons Makarfi and more other PDP might quit party for APC is the fear that PDP is becoming more and more unpopular in Kaduna and other core northern states, and fear of witch-hunting should they kick against President Goodluck Jonathan contesting 2012, said one of the party stakeholders in the state.



Source: Daily Independent


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