Mon, 22 Jul 2024

Her Excellency Mrs Florence Ajimobi, Wife of the Executive Governor of Oyo State

Chinese Conglomerates pledges support for ABC foundation
Thu, 2 Jan 2014   ||   Nigeria,

Nigeria (Ibadan) - Over 35 blue chip companies in China on Thursday pledged their support and promised to partner with the Access to Basic medical Care (ABC) Foundation, an initiative of the Wife of the Executive Governor of Oyo state, Mrs Florence Ajimobi, in all its efforts to give free health care services to people.


The organizations under the umbrella of China Treaty and Investment Group (comprising of 35 conglomerates), the China Potevio group and the Leeway Energy and Syngres group, stated that the ABC is a well established outfit which they are proud to associate with the organization.


The companies who visited the ABC HUB, headquarters of the foundation, located at Ring Road in Ibadan, Oyo State,Nigeria also made a request that ABC foundation design programmes that will cater for the health of Chinese nationals in the state


Speaking during the visit, Mrs Ajimobi stated that support for the foundation's activities is welcome, adding that it can come in any form like drugs and equipment and does not essentially need to be financial aid .


According to her, the ABC is a non-profit outfit that has no affiliation to government establishments and the work cannot be done alone by an individual.


"At ABC, health is important to us. It is a non-profit and non governmental organization that has nothing to do with the government. We give free quality health care services and we have a lot of patients that need medical intervention. "We welcome any form of support which does not necessarily have to be financial aid but materials like drugs or medical equipment like gloves or other miscellaneous materials"


Also speaking, the Deputy Head of Mission of the Nigerian Embassy in China, Patrick Olusola Onadipe and a representative of the conglomerates, Miss Li Cheryl, said ABC is a well established outfit that they are proud to be known with.


The ambassador further promised that all the chinese investment drives being embarked upon in Nigeria will also include drive for support of ABC .The Chinese representatives present were Li Cheryl, Kevin Xuan, Yan Lin, Cheng Xi

Wen, Zeng Shui Ying, Xiao Jian Yi, Xiao Jian Shu, Xu Ying Xi and Wang Yan, the translator, led by a Nigerian coordinator, Dr Mufutau Iyiola Raheem



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