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The Enugu State Commissioner of Police,Adamu Abubakar

Fri, 3 Jan 2014   ||   Nigeria,

The Enugu State Command of the Nigeria Police says the Command will focus more on proactive policing borne out of intelligence led policing and sharing of information since proactive policing has been a veritable approach to making the State safer and secured.

This was disclosed by the Commissioner of Police Enugu State, Adamu Abubakar Mohammed at the State Police Headquarters Enugu on 2nd of January 3, 2014, while speaking  to newsmen, he said "The Command embarked on crime prevention/reduction as a startegy to bring down the crime rate to the bearest minimum.

 According to Adamu, members of the public were positively sensitized on the need to be security conscious about their environment and properties , in other  to report promptly to the Command with the designated numbers about information on crime and criminality in their environment to the command's security operatives who were always on hand to attend to any distress calls within the shortest possible time.

He  gave kudos to the strong partnership that exist between the State Command and sister security agencies, the Government and  good people of the state as well as other relevant stake holders which has contributed in no small measure towards making the State Safe and secured.


The CP assured  that the newly created Divisions across the State will have a functional Police Community Relations Committee members to help bridge the gap between the police and the public in those areas thereby encouraging partnership in sharing of information for effective crime prevention activities in the State.


He said  "in year 2012 the command arrested a total number of three hundred and fifty one suspects under the following cases Armed Robbery-188,kidnapping-91,cult activities-37,car snatching-20,vandalization-6 and burglary and stealing-9.Also in 2012 a total number of 90 arms  and 417 ammunition were recovered while a total number of 11 kidnap victims were rescued.


 In the area of car theft/snatching, a total number of 115 vehicles were recovered. Then in the year 2013 a total of 92 armed robbery suspects were arrested,30 kidnap suspects arrested,11 were arrested for cult activities,15 car snatching suspects arrested,13 vandals were arrested and finally in burglary and stealing 3 suspects were arrested thereby bringing the number of suspects arrested in 2013 to one hundred and sixty four. Then in the area of arms, a total number of 39 arms  and 51 ammunitions were recovered while 7 kidnapped victims were rescued without payment of any ransom.In car snatching/ theft a total number of 18 vehicles were recovered.


Adamu maintained from the record that there is drastic reduction of crime in the year 2013 as most crime that would have occurred were promptly prevented in line with the tenet of proactive policing strategies which the Command believed in and he assured that year 2014 will witness a more better record than 2013 as all hands will be on deck.


The commissioner of Police while concluding thanked the leadership of the police High command under the able and hardworking Inspector General of police IGP MD Abubakar and the management Team for their fatherly support to the Command as well as the media in the State for their support and assistance in the area of vigorous sensitization and enlightenment on the  need to fight crime and criminality in the society in partnership with the Police.

He also thanked all the relevant stake holders like the traditional rulers as well as office of the human capital development and poverty reduction of the State that are the owners of the Neighborhood watch group in the state for their partnership. He finally thanked his officers and men whom according to him are very much committed to making the State safe and secured.



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