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Death Toll from Ambush Rises in Mozambique
Fri, 17 Jan 2014   ||   Nigeria,

MOZAMBIQUE-The death toll from the latest ambush by gunmen of Mozambique's former rebel movement Renamo on the main north-south road has now risen to three, according to a report in Thursday's issue of the independent daily “O Pais”.

The attack took place at about 08.00 on Wednesday morning shortly after a convoy of vehicles, under military escort, had left the small town of Muxungue heading southwards. One person was killed immediately, and two of the seven people injured died of their wounds later in the day.

This was the third attack so far this year on the 100 kilometre stretch of road between Muxungue and the Save river, the conventional boundary between central and southern Mozambique. In these ambushes four people have died, and 17 others have been injured.

The Wednesday attack took place at Chimutanda, about 15 kilometres south of Muxungue, and the main targets were buses of the company Etrago, travelling from the northern city of Nampula to Maputo.

Among the injured, who were taken for treatment in Beira Central Hospital, were two football players from the club Ferroviario of Quelimane. They were on their way to Chibuto, in Gaza province, to sign contracts to play for the local team this season.

During the ambush three buses, two of them belonging to Etrago, were seriously damaged.


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