Wed, 17 Jul 2024

Zimbabwe Prime Minister and Presidential Candidate, Morgan Tsvangirai

I won’t Retaliate Against Mugabe if Elected President of Zimbabwe, Tsvangirai
Tue, 30 Jul 2013   ||   Nigeria,

As preparation gets to the climax for tomorrow’s presidential election in Zimbabwe, has gathered that Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai promised no retribution against the incumbent President Robert Mugabe, if he wins Wednesday's general election.

Speaking at his last presidential campaign in Harare, Mr. Tsvangirai was confident of victory over Mugabe, his main rival.

He said, “Under my leadership, cast away your bitterness. Join me in building a new Zimbabwe. Let's show maturity by embracing our erstwhile opponents by walking hand in hand with them as we build a new Zimbabwe. I want President Mugabe to enjoy his retirement in peace and conformity of his homeland.”

Mr Tsvangirai then urged Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) to ensure that credible election is conducted, even though his Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) had earlier expressed lack of confidence in the electoral body.


However, ZEC Chairperson, Justice Rita Makarau, told Journalists that Wednesday's voting would be legitimate."I would say we are now 99 percent prepared for the elections," she said.

The forth-coming election is expected to end Zimbabwe’s power-sharing government formed by Mugabe and Tsvangirai after the violent and disputed 2008 elections.


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