Wed, 17 Jul 2024


Wed, 31 Jul 2013   ||   Nigeria,


SENIOR Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (SSANU) Vice President (West), Alfred in Ibadan, Oyo state capital, gave insight to why non-teaching staff have not joined in the current strike by members of Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), maintaining that they (non-teaching staff) are still waiting for how Federal Government will handle their own demands especially the issue of payment of what he referred to as ‘’ Earned Allowance”.Jimoh said that positive signals are coming from the federal government as regards the demands of the non-teaching staff, hence their decision to sheath the sword for the time being.

SSANU members in  University of Ibadan had called an emergency congress on the current development as regards their agitation for better welfare including payment of the ‘’Earned Allowance’’, where all the union executives including Jimoh gave the account of how far they have gone in seeing to the implementation of the demands. Jimoh however stated that he could not be categorical on when government will meet the demands especially the payment of the Earned Allowance, adding however that SSANU is very close to getting it paid.

The SSANU leader, who explained that until recently, government never showed expected seriousness in their demands, said unfolding events have revealed that non-teaching staff must be tactical in their dealings with government. He cited the last meeting the non-teaching staff union executives had with government delegation in Abuja under the chairmanship of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation Anyim Pius Anyim, where it was revealed that ASUU executives specifically demanded that they would prefer to meet the delegation separately instead of being part of the meeting.

Jimoh also said their observation and presentation at the meeting, led to the inclusion of President of each of the non-teaching staff union in the newly inaugurated Implementation Committee for the “Needs Assessment Committee recommendatio


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