Wed, 17 Jul 2024

Poster of the Presidential Candidates, Robert Mugabe and Tsvangirai

Counting Begins in Zimbabwe As Presidential Election Ends
Thu, 1 Aug 2013   ||   Nigeria,

According to reports from Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe, Voting counting is underway despite allegations of vote-rigging and fraud, gathered.

 Speaking to journalists after the election has ended, Zimbabwe Election Commission chairperson Rita Makarau said that the election was free and fair, contrary to some people’s opinion.

“I believe that the election is free and fair. Maybe the reports that will come out will vindicate my view of the election as free and fair,” she said.

Furthermore, Mrs. Makarau said, "It is a historic day for all of us as Zimbabweans to complete the delayed run-off from 2008. You see all the main contenders, finally resolving this political crisis, finally. So we wish everyone a time to complete the change that we have been fighting for, for the past 14 years,” he said.

The main contenders for the presidential position, Robert Mugabe of Zanu PF party and Morgan Tsvangirai of Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) are currently forming a coalition government since 2009. But, the result of this election would end the power sharing arrangement between the two contenders.
The election commission has until Monday, August 5 to release the results of the Zimbabwe’s election.


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