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Iraq kurdish President, Massoud Barzan

Iraqi President wants referendum on Kurdish independence
Mon, 7 Jul 2014   ||   Nigeria, Iraq

The president of Iraq’s autonomous Kurdish region asked its parliament on Thursday to plan a referendum on Kurdish independence, signaling his impatience with Baghdad, which is fighting to repel Sunni insurgents and struggling to form a new government, Reuters reports.

The United States has urged the Kurds to stand with Baghdad as Iraq faces an onslaught by Sunni Muslim militants led by an al Qaeda offshoot who have seized large parts of the north and west and are threatening to march on the capital.

Iraq’s 5 million Kurds, who have governed themselves in relative peace since the 1990s, have expanded their territory by as much as 40 percent in recent weeks as the sectarian insurgency has threatened to split the country.

Kurdish President Massoud Barzani asked lawmakers to form a committee to organize a referendum on independence and pick a date for the vote.

“The time has come for us to determine our own fate and we must not wait for others to determine it for us,” Barzani said in a closed session of the Kurdish parliament that was later broadcast on television.

“For that reason, I consider it necessary … to create an independent electoral commission as a first step and, second, to make preparations for a referendum.”

Barzani’s call came days after Kurds and Sunnis walked out of the newly-elected Iraqi parliament’s first session in Baghdad, complaining that the majority Shi’ites had failed to nominate a prime minister.

Many Kurds have long wanted to declare independence and now sense a golden opportunity, with Baghdad weak and Sunni armed groups in control of northern cities such as Mosul and Tikrit.

Barzani, often at odds with the central government, indicated that his people would not wait on Baghdad forever.

“We will not deal with those who have sabotaged the country,” he said. “Iraq has divided itself and we are not responsible for that.”

Many see the Shi’ite prime minister, Nuri al-Maliki, as the main obstacle to resolving the crisis and hope he will step aside.

Maliki himself said a political solution went hand-in-hand with the campaign to recapture areas held by insurgents.

“There is no security without complete political stability,” he said in a televised address on Wednesday. “We will proceed with our political projects but we will be on high alert and ready for the momentum of the battle.”

Security forces are battling fighters led by the Islamic State, which shortened its name from the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant this week and named its leader “caliph”, the historical title of successors of the Prophet Mohammad who ruled the Muslim world.

Rising concern and pressure from the United States, Iran, the United Nations and Iraq’s own Shi’ite clerics has done little to end the paralyzing divisions between Iraq’s main ethnic and sectarian blocs.

Mithal al-Alusi, a prominent Sunni politician, said he did not think Maliki was prepared to step aside. “Mr. Maliki wants to continue and he believes … that without him nothing can be done in Iraq,” he said.

In the system put in place after the United States toppled Saddam Hussein in 2003, the premiership is traditionally given to a Shi’ite, while the speaker of the house has been a Sunni and the president, a largely ceremonial role, has been a Kurd.

In his weekly televised address, Maliki said he hoped parliament could get past its “state of weakness” and reach consensus in its next session, planned for Tuesday. But it is far from clear when leaders in Baghdad might do so.

All the main blocs are beset by internal divisions, and none has yet decided who to put forward for its designated position.

Dia al-Asadi, secretary general of the Al-Ahrar bloc, a Shi’ite faction loyal to powerful cleric Moqtada al-Sadr and opposed to Maliki, told Reuters that only Maliki’s own State of Law coalition would support his staying on as prime minister.

“There is objection by almost all of the other groups – the Kurds, the Sunnis, and the other Shi’ites,” he said.

Each of the blocs has said it wants to know who the others will choose for their posts before naming its own – meaning the nominations will have to be done as a package.

Maliki’s government, bolstered by civilian volunteers and Shi’ite militias, has managed to stop the militant advance short of the capital, but has been unable to take back the cities that government forces abandoned.



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