Wed, 17 Jul 2024

Zimbabwe President, Robert Mugabe

Robert Mugabe to be Installed This Week in Zimbabwe
Mon, 19 Aug 2013   ||   Nigeria,

Following the Constitutional Court’s acceptance of the withdrawal of an electoral challenge by the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) Presidential candidate, Morgan Tsvangirai, all is now set for installation of President Robert Mugabe for term in office, gathered.

According to ZANU-PF spokesman Rugare Gumbo, “All it means is that the president, comrade Robert Mugabe, and the ZANU-PF are totally exonerated of the charges leveled of rigging ... and as far as we are concerned, we can now go ahead with the inauguration of the president and the setting up of government.”

The MDC petitioned to challenge the results that gave electoral victory to President Mugabe and the ZANU-PF a parliament majority.

Furthermore, Gumbo says the decision of Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s MDC to withdraw its court challenge demonstrates that the July 31 general election was credible.

He also said the Constitutional Court could officially accept the MDC’s petition withdrawal Monday.

“That means Tsvangirai’s people would have to formally withdraw the allegation that he was making against the ZANU-PF and the president,” said Gumbo.

However, according to him, preparations to install Mugabe as the elected president was briefly stalled following the court challenge.

In his statement, he said,“If the case is resolved on Monday, which I think will be the case, [Mugabe] has 48 hours in which he needs to be sworn in, which would be probably around Wednesday. Preparations were stalled because we did not know exactly when this was going to be resolved. But now that we know it is going to be Wednesday or Thursday, preparations would be in full swing.”



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