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“Constitution review, exercise in futility” — PFN
Sun, 23 May 2021   ||   Nigeria,

Sunday, 23 May 2021: The Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria, (PFN), has described the review of the country’s constitution currently being undertaken by the National Assembly as an exercise in futility.

Instead of the review, the Christian body called for the enactment of a brand new legal document for Nigeria that will be in sync with the reality on ground and capable of enhancing the growth of the nation on all fronts.

The populous Christian body stated this in a statement entitled, “Nigeria’s Constitutional Review: PFN’s Stand” and jointly signed by its National President, Bishop Francis Wale Oke, National Secretary, Dr. Cosmas Ilechukwu and National Legal Adviser, Funmi Quadri, SAN.

The body bemoaned the existing 1999 Constitution saying it is fraught with irregularities that are not helpful to the growth of the country.

“The PFN is aware of the on-going constitutional review process being undertaken by the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the public hearing sessions scheduled by the Senate for May 26th and 27th, 2021 across the Six (6) geo-political zones of the country” it noted.

As a result, the Fellowship maintained that the current constitution which serves as the conveyor belt for the administration of the country is anti-people and faulty.

“We declare that the present Constitution is not a people’s constitution and does not, in anyway, reflect the aspirations and yearnings of the PFN and the people of Nigeria.

The PFN is firmly of the view that the review process by amending a segment of the constitution might just be an exercise in futility that cannot meet the expectation of the people” the body further maintained.

To this end, the Fellowship asserted that it was joining forces with other groups in the country in repudiating the 1999 Constitution, calling instead, for the enactment of a new one that would be acceptable and more pliable to the yearnings of Nigerians.

“We stand with the different groups and people across the length and breadth of Nigeria in rejecting the 1999 Constitution, and maintain that it cannot deliver a framework for good governance. We do not see the on-going process of “proposed alteration to the provision of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999”, achieving the objectives of restructuring Nigeria, as desired and canvassed by millions of Nigerians and the PFN”, it added.

The PFN demanded for a new Constitution coming under paragraph 17 of the public notice that will guarantee a truly federalist structure for the good and prosperity of all Nigerians.



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