Wed, 17 Jul 2024

Zimbabwe President, Robert Mugabe

President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe Promised Heavy Clampdown on British and US Companies
Mon, 26 Aug 2013   ||   Nigeria,

From Harare, the capital city of Zimbabwe, gathered that President Robert Mugabe has expressed his intention to retaliate, should Western nations persist in pressuring his government with sanctions and harassment.

The report confirmed that Mugabe vowed to clamp down heavily on companies from British and United States, if the sanction should continue.

Speaking at a funeral occasion, Mugabe said,” They (British and USA) should not continue to harass us. We have not done anything to their companies here - the British have several companies in this country - and we have not imposed any controls, any sanctions against them, but time will come when we will say well, tit-for-tat, you hit me I hit you.”
Foreign companies in Zimbabwe are already the target of indigenization policy where they will be required to cede a majority stake to black Zimbabweans. The policy, sources said, would also be applied to foreign mining houses in the mineral-rich country including those owned by South African companies.

Both British and US governments questioned the credibility of recently held election which brought in Robert Mugabe for the seventh time as the only leader of the country since its independent in 1980.


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