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CEOAFRICA History Corner: September 27th in focus
By: News Editor
Tue, 27 Sep 2022   ||   Nigeria,

On today’s history corner, CEOAFRICA has been able to put together some exciting, memorable and funny historic events, ranging from the capture of Afghanistan's capital by the Taliban, abduction of school children on a bus, in Abia state, Nigeria, among others. Meanwhile, have ever heard of a sprinter known as Ben Johnson? I'm sure you would love to know more about him. go through this edition of history corner to see more.




September 27, 1066

William the Conqueror's troops set sail from Normandy to conquer England.

September 27, 1290

Earthquake in the Gulf of Chihli (Bohai Sea) near China, reportedly killed 100,000 people.

September 27, 1590

Pope Urban VII died 13 days after being chosen as the Pope, making his reign the shortest papacy in history.

September 27, 1694

Hurricane hit Carlisle Bay Barbados; 27 British ships sink & 3,000 die.

September 27, 1777

American Revolution: Lancaster, Pennsylvania became the capital of the United States for one day after Congress evacuates Philadelphia.

September 27, 1779

John Adams negotiated Revolutionary War peace terms with Great Britain.

September 27, 1791

The National Assembly of France voted to award full citizenship to Jews.

September 27, 1821

Mexican revolutionary forces led by Agustín de Iturbide occupied Mexico City as Spanish withdrew, bringing an end to the Mexican War of Independence.

September 27, 1822

French scholar Jean-François Champollion announced he had deciphered Egyptian hieroglyphics using the Rosetta Stone.

September 27, 1825

George Stephenson's "Locomotion No. 1" became the 1st steam locomotive to carry passengers on a public rail line, the Stockton and Darlington Railway in England.

September 27, 1905

The physics journal Annalen der Physik published Albert Einstein's paper "Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content?", introducing the equation E=mc².

September 27, 1908

Henry Ford's first Ford Model T automobile left the Piquette Plant in Detroit, Michigan.

September 27,1909

US President William Howard Taft set aside some 3 million acres of oil-rich public land (including Teapot Dome, Wyoming) for conservation purposes.

September 27, 1916

1st Native American Day celebrated, honoring American Indians.

September 27, 1928

The Nationalist Republic of China is recognised by the United States.

September 27, 1938

Jewish lawyers forbidden to practise in Germany.

September 27, 1939

Warsaw, Poland surrendered to Germans after 19 days of resistance.

September 27, 1940

Nazi Germany, Italy & Japan signed 10 year formal alliance (Axis).

September 27, 1945

US General and head of the Allied occupation of Japan, Douglas MacArthur, met Emperor Hirohito in Tokyo for the first time.

September 27, 1964

Government publicly released the report of the Warren Commission, which concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald had acted alone in assassinating President John F. Kennedy.

September 27, 1979

Elton John, sick with flu, collapsed in the Hollywood Universal Amphitheater.

September 27, 1988

Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson was disqualified from the Seoul Olympics 100m after his urine sample was found to contain steroid stanozolol; American Carl Lewis awarded gold medal and world record 9.92.

September 27, 1988

The National League for Democracy, led by Aung San Suu Kyi was founded in Burma (Myanmar).

September 27, 1990

Deposed Emir of Kuwait addressed the UN General Assembly.

September 27, 1991

President George H.W. Bush announced, in a nationally broadcast address, that he was eliminating all U.S. battlefield nuclear weapons, and called on the Soviet Union to match the gesture.


The Senate Judiciary Committee deadlocked, 7-7, on the nomination of Clarence Thomas to the U.S. Supreme Court.

September 27, 1996

In Afghanistan, the Taliban captured the capital city of Kabul after driving out President Burhanuddin Rabbani and executing former leader Mohammad Najibullah.

September 27, 2009

German Federal elections returned Angela Merkel for her second term as Chancellor at head of centre-right coalition government.

September 27, 2010

In Abia State, gunmen hijacked a school bus and kidnapped 15 children on board. Later the hijacker demanded for a $130,000 ransom for their released. 2010 October 1, a joint military and police taskforce rescued the children and no ransom was paid to the gunmen.

September 27, 2012

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the U.N. General Assembly that the world had only a matter of months to stop Iran before it could build a nuclear bomb.

September 27, 2013

19 people were killed and 45 injured in a bus bombing in Peshawar, Pakistan.

September 27, 2018

During a day-long hearing by the Senate Judiciary Committee, Christine Blasey Ford said she was “100 percent” certain that she was sexually assaulted by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh when they were teenagers, and Kavanaugh then told senators that he was “100 percent certain” he had done no such thing; Republicans quickly scheduled a recommendation vote for the following morning.


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