Wed, 17 Jul 2024


I took profound risk in my career - Mimiko
Sun, 1 Sep 2013   ||   Nigeria, ONDO STATE

The Governor of Ondo State, Dr Olusegun Mimiko said he has taken numerous risks in the course of his political career spanning over 30years, purposely to serve the people.

Mimiko stated this on Sunday during a thanksgiving service held at the Chapel of Grace Government House, Akure in commemoration of his victory at the Supreme Court which upheld his election as the governor
of the State.

The Governor read the only lesson from the Book of Psalms chapter 40 at the service which was attended by top government functionaries and political associates.

Mimiko, who submitted that the numerous risks he took in the course of his political career were profound and solely motivated by his determination to serve the people of the State and not for selfish interest, noted that God has been sufficient for him throughout the period. He added that there were moments of anxiety but God was kind to him all through.

He also thanked the people of the State for their confidence in him and his administration, stressing that the next four years would bring more glory to God and abundant benefits to the people.

He said: "The God that we serve is enough, he is a sufficient God, I can testify before you people of God that in the course of my career,God has been sufficient for me.

"I've taken risks that are profound as you all know, I also want to make it absolutely clear that there are momentsĀ of anxiety but our God is sufficient for us. Our mission here is evangelical and I assure you that we'll not disappoint you".
In his sermon, Chaplain of the Chapel, Pastor Waleola Akinfiresoye charged the governor to allow his lifestyle to inspire the people of the State and particularly members of his cabinet, so that the people will appreciate God the more at the end of his administration.


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