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Tinubu orders probe over transfer of N585.2m grant into private account
By: News Editor
Mon, 8 Jan 2024   ||   Nigeria,

President Bola Tinubu has directed a thorough and comprehensive investiga­tion into the transfer of N585.189 million grant meant for vulnerable groups in Akwa Ibom, Cross River, Ogun and Lagos states into a private account.

The Minister of Information and Na­tional Orientation, Muhammed Idris, dis­closed this in a statement he personally signed on Sunday.

The minister acknowledged the con­cerns raised by the public regarding the alleged payment of funds into a private account by the Ministry of Humanitari­an Affairs and Poverty Alleviation.

According to the minister, the Feder­al Government, under the leadership of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, is trans­parent and accountable to the people.

He stressed that the govern­ment is committed to ensuring that public funds are allocated and utilised effectively and effi­ciently to address the needs of Nigerians.

“In light of recent events, the president has directed that a thor­ough and comprehensive investi­gation be conducted to ascertain the accuracy and validity of the reported details.

“The government is deter­mined to unravel the truth as it relates to this matter, and assures that appropriate action will be taken to ensure that any breach­es and infractions are identified and decisively punished, in line with the administration’s com­mitment to public accountability and due process.

“The public is advised to note, against the backdrop of various unverified narratives circulating on the Internet, that the Ministry of Information and National Ori­entation, under the leadership of Minister Mohammed Idris, is the primary source for verified infor­mation about events and actions of the Federal Government of Nigeria.

“Only accurate details will be shared with the public. The Min­istry is committed to providing timely updates to keep Nigerians informed about the progress of the investigation.

“We urge Nigerians to exer­cise patience as the investiga­tion unfolds. The government is focused on ensuring a fair and unbiased process, and the find­ings will be communicated duly and transparently to the public,” Idris stated.


Improper Payment, Diver­sion Of Public Funds Should Be Punished — SERAP

Earlier, the Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Proj­ect (SERAP) has urged President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to direct the Attorney General of the Federa­tion and Minister of Justice, Mr. Lateef Fagbemi (SAN), and appro­priate anti-corruption agencies to promptly and thoroughly probe the alleged payment of N585.2 million meant for disbursement to vulnerable people in Akwa Ibom, Cross River, Lagos, and Ogun states into a private account.

SERAP also urged President Tinubu to direct Mr. Fagbemi and appropriate anti-corruption agen­cies to promptly and thoroughly investigate whether the N585.2 million has been paid into any pri­vate account, and to identify and publish the names of anyone who may have received the money.

The organisation further said, “Anyone suspected to be involved in any improper payment or di­version of public funds should be brought to justice and any divert­ed public funds returned to the public treasury and paid directly to the rightful beneficiaries.”


In the letter dated January 6, 2024 and signed by SERAP deputy director, Kolawole Oluwadare, the organisation said: “Paying public funds into private accounts may create the perception or appear­ance of impropriety and give cov­er to any potential wrongdoing or diversion.”

According to SERAP, “Inves­tigating these allegations and ensuring that the public funds meant to take care of the poor are transparently and account­ably spent and recovering any diverted public funds are serious and legitimate public interests.

“The public interests in safe­guarding against the perception or appearance of impropriety or corruption also require your government to remove the op­portunity for abuse inherent in the payment of public funds into private accounts.

“The Nigerian constitution 1999 (as amended), the country’s financial regulations and inter­national obligations impose a fundamental obligation on your government to ensure transpar­ency and accountability in the spending of public funds meant for socially and economically vul­nerable Nigerians.

“Your government has a legal responsibility to ensure full com­pliance with the Financial Regu­lations 2009, prohibiting the pay­ment of public funds into private accounts, to reduce vulnerability to corruption or risks of the funds being diverted for personal ends or other unlawful purposes.

“Government officials hold positions of public trust. Public officials are expected to ensure compliance with Nigerian laws and international standards in the discharge of their public functions.

“The persistent lack of trans­parency and accountability in the spending of public funds meant to take care of the poor raises issues of public trust, makes the funds vulnerable to corruption or mismanagement, and under­mines the integrity of poverty intervention programmes.

“Your government has a legal obligation to probe and prosecute allegations of abuse of office and corruption in the spending of public funds meant to improve the conditions of vulnerable Ni­gerians.

“SERAP is concerned that successive governments have failed to ensure transparency and accountability in the spending of public funds budgeted for social safety-nets and poverty allevia­tion programmes and projects.

“Any risks of corruption in the spending of public funds meant to take care of the poor would erode the effectiveness of the government’s oft-repeated commitment to address the im­pact of the removal of fuel subsi­dy on vulnerable Nigerians.

“We would be grateful if the recommended measures are tak­en within 7 days of the receipt and/or publication of this letter. If we have not heard from you by then, SERAP shall consider ap­propriate legal actions to compel your government to comply with our request in the public interest.

“Any failure to investigate these grave allegations, bring sus­pected perpetrators to justice and recover any diverted public funds would undermine the integrity of the government’s poverty inter­vention programmes.

“It would also create cynicism, and eventually citizens’ distrust about the ability of your govern­ment to prevent corruption or the appearance of corruption in the programmes.

“Nigerians have the right to be free from poverty. Any risks of diversion of public funds budget­ed to lift vulnerable Nigerians out of poverty would pose both direct and indirect threats to human rights, and exacerbate extreme poverty in the country.

“It would also undermine your government’s legal obligations to effectively and progressively ad­dress and combat extreme pover­ty as a matter of human rights.

“SERAP also urges you to di­rect Betta Edu to publish details of spending of public funds drawn from the account of the National Social Investment Programme (NSIPA), an agency under the Min­istry of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Allegation, including the names of beneficiaries and details of the amounts received by them since 29 May 2023.

“SERAP urges you to instruct the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and Independent Corrupt Practices and other related offences Com­mission (ICPC) to jointly track and monitor the spending of any public funds drawn from the account(s) of the National Social Investment Programme (NSIPA).

“According to our informa­tion, the Minister of Humani­tarian Affairs, Betta Edu, in a memo dated 20 December 2023 reportedly requested the Accoun­tant General of the Federation, Oluwatoyin Madein, to transfer public fund – N585.2 million – into a private account of an official in her ministry.

“According to the memo, the money was transferred from the National Social Investment Pro­gramme office account and is meant for disbursement to vul­nerable people in Akwa Ibom, Cross River, Lagos, and Ogun states, under the Federal Govern­ment poverty intervention proj­ect called Grants for Vulnerable Groups. N219.4 million is to be transferred to the vulnerable peo­ple in Akwa Ibom State, N73.8 mil­lion to Cross River State, N219.4 million to Lagos State, and N72.4 million to Ogun State.

“SERAP is seriously con­cerned that years of allegations of corruption and mismanage­ment in the spending of public funds meant to support and assist vulnerable Nigerians and entrenched impunity of perpetra­tors have undermined the ability of successive governments to sup­port those most in need.

“Section 15(5) imposes the responsibility on your govern­ment to ‘abolish all corrupt prac­tices and abuse of power’ in the country.

“Under Section 16(1) of the constitution, your government has a responsibility to ‘secure the maximum welfare, freedom and happiness of every citizen on the basis of social justice and equality of status and opportuni­ty.’ Section 16(2) further provides that, ‘the material resources of the nation are harnessed and distributed as best as possible to serve the common good.’

“Chapter 7, Section 713 of the Federal Government’s Financial Regulations 2009, provides: ‘Per­sonal money shall in no circum­stances be paid into a government bank account, nor shall any pub­lic money be paid into a private account.’

“Articles 5 and 9 of the UN Convention against Corruption also impose legal obligations on your government to ensure prop­er management of public affairs and public funds, and to promote sound and transparent adminis­tration of public affairs.”


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