Tue, 16 Jul 2024


World Earth Day 2024 raises awareness on dangers of Plastic pollution to nature and humans
Mon, 22 Apr 2024   ||   Nigeria,

World Earth Day is an annual event observed across the globe to demonstrate support for environmental protection. Earth Day reminds citizens of the world of the importance of environment conservation and sustainability, encouraging us to come together and take action for a healthier planet and brighter future. The day raises awareness and inspires change, fostering a deep connection with nature.


Earth Day is marked every year on April 22. The theme for World Earth Day 2024 is “Planet vs Plastics”. The theme aims to bring attention to the serious issue of plastic pollution and how it harms nature. For Earth Day 2024, earthday.org aims to end plastic for planetary health and demands a 60 per cent reduction in the production of all plastics by 2040.

The inception of Earth Day dates back to 1970, marking the birth of the modern environmental movement. It was a time when industrial progress took precedence over environmental concerns, leading to rampant air and water pollution. The publication of Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring” in 1962 was a turning point, raising public awareness about the environment and the links between pollution and public health. The idea for Earth Day was proposed by Senator Gaylord Nelson after witnessing the ravages of the 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill. Along with Denis Hayes, they organized the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970, which saw 20 million Americans demonstrating for a healthy, sustainable environment.

Earth Day serves as a yearly reminder of our responsibility towards environmental stewardship. It’s a day to celebrate the planet’s natural beauty and to take action against the challenges threatening the environment. The day has been instrumental in uniting people from all walks of life to participate in activities to promote environmental protection and stability.

According to Times of India, the scourge of plastic pollution is staggering, annually, the world produces 350 million tons of plastic waste, with between 1 and 2 million tons making their way to oceans. This deluge of plastic has dire consequences; its estimated that over 100, 000 marine mammals and turtles, as well as 1 million seabirds are killed by plastic pollution each year. Furthermore, plastics pose a significant threat to human health and the environment because of the toxic nature of the chemical additives used during the production process. As plastics degrade into microplastics, they discharge harmful chemicals into food, water, and air. The earth day 2024 is a call to action to end the scourge of plastics and protect the health of all living beings.

For now, plastic objects are all around us, from the food containers and bottles of milk and soda that we buy at the supermarket, to the countertops in our kitchens and the linings of our cooking pans. We wear clothes fashioned from plastic fibers, sit on plastic chairs, and travel in automobiles, trains and airplanes that contain plastic parts. Plastics have even become an important building material, used in everything from insulated wall panels to window frames. We continue to find new uses for plastic all the time. But there's a way to fix this because more eco-friendly alternatives to plastics are out there. Here are some of them:

  1. Glass
  2. Reusable shopping bags
  3. Plastic additives
  4. Stainless steel
  5. Natural fiber cloth
  6. Wood
  7. Paper

How to Break the Plastic Habit

There are many easy swaps we can all make that will help begin to cut plastic pollution. As more of us demand non-plastic options from the companies we buy from, the amount of plastic being mindlessly produced and tossed will finally begin to decline. Start with some manageable first steps that can cut down your plastic use significantly.

  1. Use plastic-free beverage containers.
  2. Ditch the plastic bags.
  3. Switch to non-liquid soaps.
  4. Choose glass, metal or unlined paper packaging whenever possible.

World Earth Day is a day to educate, inspire, and mobilize communities worldwide to work towards a sustainable future where we live in harmony with nature, lets embrace the theme “planets vs Plastics” and commit to making earth day 2024 a turning point in our fight for a cleaner, healthier planet.



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