Thu, 18 Jul 2024

Gou Bin

Boy Whose Eyes Were Gouged Out Set To Undergo Surgery in China
Tue, 10 Sep 2013   ||   Nigeria,

From China, it was gathered that the six-year-old boy whose eyes were gouged out has begun surgery that will give him prosthetic eye implants.

According to information reaching the news desk of, Guo Bin is being treated at a private hospital in Shenzhen by a doctor who has volunteered his services.

The prosthetic eyes will look and feel like the real one, but it would not restore the vision of then little boy.

The little boy was found with his eyes removed and covered in the pool of blood at Fenxi, Shangxi province on August 24.

However, the late aunt to the boy had been fingered in attack because police said they found the blood of the boy on her clothes. She killed herself six days after the incident by jumping into a well. The motive behind the attack was unknown. The little boy's parents say they do not know of any reason why she would have attacked their son.

According to the spokesperson for Dr. Dennis Lam, the first operation involved fitting implants similar to artificial eyeballs to give volume to the eye in order to fit an eye shell.

Guo Bin will then have a recovery period before the shell, or prosthetic eyes, can be attached. These will be then connected to tissue and muscle for movement.

After that sensory devices that generate electronic signals to help him identify shapes could be fitted.

The Hong Kong based Dr Lam, said he hoped Guo Bin could benefit from the further development of electronic eye technology directly linked to the brain - something he said was at least five to 10 years in the future.

"We don't know if this will be successful in the end, but if there is this possibility, then why should we not give a chance to little Bin-Bin?" he said in a press conference.


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