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French Nurse To Receive Experimental Ebola Treatments
Fri, 19 Sep 2014   ||   Nigeria,

France has announced that a French nurse infected with Ebola while in Liberia was given experimental medicines immediately after her return home on Thursday night, amid expanded international measures to combat the deadly virus.

French Health Minister Marisol Touraine confirmed that the nurse, a volunteer with Doctors Without Borders, had been transferred to the Bégin military hospital on the outskirts of Paris soon after her arrival from Liberia.

“She is currently in a confinement chamber and has dedicated staff looking after her," Touraine said.

The minister announced France had “exceptionally” authorised the importation and use of several experimental drugs to care for Ebola patients.

The nurse, who has not been identified, is the first French national to be infected with the virus, which has so far killed more than 2,600 people in West Africa.

Targeting Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone

Meanwhile, the UN Security Council declared the outbreak a “threat to international peace and security” on Thursday and moved to create a special mission to combat Ebola.

The 15-member council unanimously adopted the US-drafted resolution, calling on the world to provide health experts, field hospitals and medical supplies to tackle the epidemic.

It marked only the second time that the Security Council has addressed a public health emergency, the first being the HIV/AIDS pandemic in 2000 and 2011.

The US said it would be soon be deploying additional staff to Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone, the countries hardest hit by the deadly virus.

The UN resolution comes as Washington unveiled plans to send 3,000 troops and build 17 treatment centers in West Africa.

France announced plans to install a military hospital in Guinea, while Cuba, China, Britain and other states have pledged medical workers, health centers and other forms of support.

(FRANCE 24 with AFP, Reuters)


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