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Jihadists Attack: UN mission condemns amputation of Mali civilians
Fri, 14 May 2021   ||   Mali, Mali

The UN's peacekeeping force in Mali has condemned amputations on civilians carried out by suspected jihadists in the north-eastern region of Gao.

About three civilians had their hands and feet cut off on 2 May after they were captured by suspected Islamic State jihadists.

El-Ghassim Wane, the head of the peacekeeping force Minusma said, "I strongly condemn these despicable acts. Such corporal punishment carried out by armed groups outside any legal framework is a serious violation of human rights, including the right of every human being to a fair and equitable trial before a regularly constituted tribunal,"

Minusma said the amputations were a reminder of the horrors that marked the 2012 crisis - when the region was overrun by Islamist and Tuareg rebels following a coup.

It said the "cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment" was not acceptable and said it was working with Malian authorities to address the problem.

See tweet:


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