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19-year-old boy gets nailed to a tree for allegedly stealing radio in Kenya
By: Abara Blessing Oluchi
Sat, 19 Feb 2022   ||   Kenya, Kenya

A 19-year-old boy has been nailed to a tree in Kenya for allegedly stealing radio.

The police however, eventually rescued the young man who was nailed to the tree on suspicion of stealing a radio in Kenya.

Collins Sambaya, from Chamasili village in Sabatia sub-county was injured by one Elvis Irime, who nailed both his palms to a tree on Friday, February 18.

North Izava location Chief Evans Endesha reported the matter to the police via a phone call. Upon visiting the scene, police found the young man in great pain.

"Upon seeing the police approaching the scene, the assailant suspect ran away and is still at large," the police report reads in part.

Sambaya was rescued and rushed to Mbale County Referral Hospital where he is in stable condition.

A statement issued by the Directorate of Criminal Investigation, DCI, says police has launched manhunt for the suspect responsible for the inhuman act.

"In an incident that brought Sabatia’s, Izava village to a standstill, 19-year-old Collins Sambaya, was found secured on a tree using two roofing nails, that had been driven through each palm of his hands," the statement read.

"The distraught villagers who couldn’t come to terms with what had befallen one of their own, watched in disbelief from a distance as officers rescued him and rushed him to hospital.

"Meanwhile, a manhunt for the suspects responsible for the inhuman act has been launched, with the area security team employing every available resource to apprehend the suspects."



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