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#NigeriaDecides2023: Cleric petitions INEC over alleged poor conduct of presidential, national assembly Polls
By: Cletus Sunday Ilobanafor
Thu, 9 Mar 2023   ||   Nigeria,

The Global Chairman of the Coalition for Better and Brighter Nigeria (IBBN) Prophet Isa El-Buba and members of his group have petitioned the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission over what they called poor conduct of the 2023 Presidential and National Assembly elections on the 25th of February last month in Nigeria.

The group who stormed Jos INEC Headquarters located at Miango Road carrying placards to drum home their demand called for the review of the Presidential election and as well demanded a review of the elections and transparent conduct of a Credible gubernatorial election

Consistent with the electoral Act and INEC’S guidelines On March 11 across the country.

Prophet El-Buba who led team of Protesters from the state Secretariat roundabout junction to Jos INEC Office, said It was on a sad note that “I write to register my disappointment and that of the majority of Nigerians

across the spectrum on the commission’s shabby and patchy conduct of Saturday, February 25th,

2023 Presidential and National Assembly elections under your leadership of the electoral body”

According to El-Buba, Under the leadership of Professor Mahmood Yakubu in INEC, many of the issues that worried the Nigerian electorate in

2015 have become a bigger headache in 2023 and brought widespread agitation, protests, displeasure, and disapproval from a wide spectrum of Nigerians, including local and international observers, political parties and well-meaning Nigerians”.

He alleged that these issues revolves around serious logistical and technological shortcomings, non-compliance with the electoral act, INEC own guidelines and statements.

Other issues he raised in his petition is centered on lack of transparency, and manipulation of election results which have undermined public confidence in INEC and the overall outcome of the elections- evident in the commission’s

non-uploading of the results of each of the 176,974 Polling Units nationwide, in the IREV portal using the BVAS directly from the polling unit in real-time for public viewing in the presidential election and National Assembly Elections of Saturday, 25th February 2023 contravening the provisions of Sections 25; 47(2); 60 (1), (2), (4) & (5); 62; 64(4)(a) & (b); 70; and 148 of the

Electoral Act, 2022, particularly paragraphs 38 of the INEC Regulations and Guidelines for the

Conduct of Elections,ẞ 2022; and paragraphs 2.8.4; 2.9.0; and 2.9.1 of the INEC Manual for Election Officials 2023, governing the 2023 nationwide general elections.

“More to the point,when Nigerians raised concerns about INEC’s plot to abandon electronic transmission of results, the Commission issued a statement on 11th November last year denying the plan and even assured

Political parties that in an event of a technical hitch, a data recovery server will be activated to

augment the original server- which has now proven to be a lie.”

According to him,worse still, whilst queries were being raised as to the failure or deliberate refusal of INEC to transmit the results electronically, the Commission suddenly pulled down the IReV portal harbouring the Regulations and Guidelines, paving the way for falsification of results in some states.” El-Buba Alleges.

He queries the collation, declaration and issuance of Certificate of Return which he said, all run counter to the provisions of sections 25, 47 (2), 60(1), (2), (4) and (5), 62, 64 (4) a and b, 70 and 148 of the electoral Act paragraph 38 of the INEC guidelines and regulations.

He called on INEC Chairman to follow the provisions of constitution as it is the constitution that is the birth certificate of any nation.

“It is the organic Law, the fons et origo and the grundnorm.”

Prophet stressed that in view of these and other numerous complaints of irregularities, inconsistency of INEC declared results against truly acquired votes, unprecedented cancellations and disenfranchisement of millions of voters, ” I call on you to reverse the brazen rape of democracy the elections have orchestrated by in line with the provisions of Section 47 (3) of the Electoral

Act, 2022; and other relevant sections, review and correct the elections.

According to him, electoral outcomes are influenced by processes and procedures and that INEC compromised processes have certainly produced questionable outcomes.

” Therefore, we reject Bola Ahmed Tinubu as President- Elect.

When the process is properly done, we will accept the result.

As we continue to encourage Nigerian Electorates whose trust in the process and faith in the

ballot you have broken, not to despair and come out to Vote in the March 11, 2023

Gubernatorial and House of Assembly elections”.

He called on INEC Chairman to retrace his steps and bequeath an election consistent with the law. Regain grip and have authority over state structures of the commission as well as ultimate responsibility for the conduct of elections, before the wrath of Nigerians befall on him and the Commission.

He reminded INEC Chairman on the current pains and mournful mood in the nation, Nigeria, without any form of celebration or jubilation which represents nothing but peace of the graveyard.

” This loud silence all over the country is a testament of the day light robbery of a people who for the first time fought to change years of pains and frustrations.

Do the needful, it is not over, the people know it and the people will speak at the right time.”

He also urged INEC Chairman to create no further disaffection for the commission and apathy for the electoral process..


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