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Don’t allow politics to divide us, Peter Obi to Muslim faithful
From: News Editor
Mon, 24 Apr 2023   ||   Nigeria,


The presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP) in the Febru­ary 25 elections, Peter Obi, has advised Muslims not to allow pol­itics to divide Nigeria irrespec­tive of tribe and religion because as he puts it Nigeria is one.

Obi who spoke on Sunday when he visited the Muslim faith­ful at Central Mosque, Onitsha, Anambra State, said that the only thing that always brought segre­gation among Nigerians was politics, especially as played by some politicians in the country, who want to sow seed of discord, just to win election.

He said he visited Mus­lims in the city to felicitate with them on the celebra­tion of Eid-el-Fitr.

Obi donated bags of rice, cartons of noodles and packs of soft drinks to them, while praying Allah to accept their fasting and sacrifices and grant them good life.

He said: “I’m here to­day to celebrate with you on this year’s occasion of Eid-el-Fitri. Nigeria is one country. I’m one Nigerian who believes in Nigeria, and also that we are one, irrespective of tribe and religion. I have never discriminated against anyone on the basis of religion, and I will never do that.

“The only thing that brings division among us is politics. Once it’s time for election, some politicians engage in divisive cam­paign, but it should not be so. One of my businesses is run by a northerner from Kano, and the business is doing well.

“You all are my broth­ers, and I am your brother. Today is not for politics but for celebration. I came after election because if I came during politics, peo­ple would have said it is because I am running to be president”.

Obi said that no one has supported the Muslim com­munity in Anambra like himself, noting that when the mosque was demol­ished at some point, it was he who rebuilt it the way it is today.

“We see you as part of us, and I want to assure you that no one can stop you from living here and car­rying out your businesses.

“I live here in Onitsha, and if there is any need to contact me, always do so. If you need me in the area of healthcare and education, feel free to call on me, be­cause those are areas I’m very passionate about.”

Earlier, Chief Imam of Onitsha Central Mosque, Alhaji Abdulraman Imam, praised Obi, saying he re­mained the only governor in the state, who visited members of the Muslim community at every cele­bration to felicitate with them.

He added: “This mosque was rebuilt by you when it was demolished years back. You visited us in Army bar­racks when we had prob­lem then. All the years you were governor, you always visited us during celebra­tions like this, so you are not new to us.

“For the eight years you were governor, you spon­sored a lot of our mem­bers to Mecca. You did all these, even though you are a Christian. That is why we say we are with you, even as a Christian.”

Also, the Secretary and Spokesperson of the Hausa Community in Onitsha, Barr. Mahmud Imam, while conveying the declaration of the community to Obi, stated that it has decided to support Obi, and would continue to pray that he tri­umphs and leads Nigeria, because his capacity to lead is not in doubt.

He said: “We know what you are capable of, you did it here while you were gov­ernor.

“We (Hausa community) are the highest registered voters in Odoakpu ward four here, and we voted for you, and we have no regret about that.

“We saw you during campaigns, visiting interi­or parts of the north, plac­es that presidential candi­dates that are of northern extraction feared to go to. We are happy that you rep­resented very well, and you vindicated us, through the messages we always sent back to our people that you were the best for the position”.

Also in a tweet on Sun­day, Obi expressed sadness and concern at the report­ed tapping of some Nige­rian citizens in war-torn Sudan and wondered why they have not been evacu­ated.

“While we appreciate the extreme challenges in Sudan, we deeply implore the Federal Government of Nigeria to expedite all ef­forts to rescue about 4000 Nigerians that are mostly students in Sudan to safe­ty”, he said.

The former Anambra State governor remarked that since “the Sudanese crisis is not a natural disas­ter that happened suddenly, it will be sad to lose any Ni­gerian to the conflict, espe­cially now that we need all hands to create and sustain a new Nigeria.


“Since it is the statutory responsibility of FGN to protect Nigerians at home in Nigeria and abroad, it is important that we attend to such issues with more deserving proactiveness and commitment as the life of every Nigerian is sacred and important. A new Nigeria is really im­perative and possible”, Obi pleaded.

Also on Sunday, Obi felic­itated with seven-year-old young Richard Aridegbe from Surulere, Lagos, who invited him to his birthday today, April 23, 2024.

The young Aridegbe is the son of the LP Woman Leader in Surulere, Lagos.

“The boy is Obidient and campaigned in Lagos for PO and LP with his moth­er.” Obi could not attend physically but sent a happy birthday message via tweet and he believes that such a message will surely in­spire younger people who are instinctively Obidient and socially conscious.


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