Sun, 26 Jan 2025


International Music Council re-elects Prof. Charles Bikoi as Vice-president
From: Kelvin Ugo Ubaka
Thu, 9 Dec 2021   ||   United States, U.S.A

Thursday 9th December 2021: The Executive secretary of the International Centre for Research and Documentation on African Languages and Traditions, Prof. Charles Binam Bikoi has been re-elected as Vice-president of the International Music Council (IMC) to serve another 2-years term.

IMC : Alfons Karabuda, new President - African Confederation of Choral Music
Cameroonian-born Professor Charles was first elected into office after the 38th IMC General Assembly held in Paris, September 27 - 28, 2019 and served his term diligently.
He won the re-election bid at the 39th General Assembly in 2021 and seventh edition of IMC World Forum on Music where newly elected Executive Board will be serving until the 2023.
The event seeks to promote the activities of the IMC, its international member organisations and national committees, as well as its programme policy
The International Music Council (IMC), founded in 1949 by UNESCO, is the world's largest network of organizations and institutions working in the field of music. The International Music Council promotes access to music for all and the value of music in the lives of all peoples. 
Through its members and their networks, IMC has direct access to over 1000 organisations in some 150 countries and to 200 million persons eager to develop and share knowledge and experience on diverse aspects of musical life.


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